Loss Prevention
Members are trading in an increasingly regulated and safety conscious environment, with pressure from contractual partners, governments and regulators to continually improve their operations. Our Loss Prevention team is here to provide support in relieving these pressures.
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A new video has been added to the Club's recently released LEARN THE ROPES video series, detailing the correct procedure for performing fumigation and the potential hazards involved.
Members are encouraged to contact the Loss Prevention department for advice on matters ranging from information on all types of cargoes – precautions, stowage, hazards and the Club's claims experience for example - port situations, piracy and security, and operational, technical and crew matters. Copies of IMO and maritime administration circulars are available, and advice can be provided regarding existing regulatory requirements and forthcoming changes.
The Club also publishes a wide variety of loss prevention publications and safety posters, all available from our comprehensive website. We also publish News Articles covering the latest maritime industry developments worldwide as well as Loss Prevention Bulletins detailing best practice in relation to specific marine activities and highlighting particular issues incurring claims, with the aim of minimising future incidents and subsequent claims.
In the event of an accident or incident that may result in claims, a favourable outcome often depends on the availability of accurate information and good records. The Club's “P&I Guidelines - Practical Notes for Ships' Personnel” have been produced to remind crewmembers of the information that needs to be collated, recorded and provided to the Club in order to best protect the interests of personnel and the company operating the vessel following a claim.
See our dedicated crew wellbeing pages on both physical and mental wellbeing that showcase our available resources.
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A valuable feature of the Club’s loss prevention programme is the ability to offer direct on-site assistance to Members worldwide if they wish to develop and improve their safety management systems. Originally introduced for Members requesting practical support to comply with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code using the Club’s award-winning Safety Appraisal documents, the audit programme has been expanded to give Members opportunities to strengthen their safety management systems and consequently reduce the potential for loss.
The Club’s claims experience has demonstrated the crucial importance of having a well-trained bridge management team in place on board the vessel who are able to effectively communicate and follow procedures, especially when under pilotage and in close quarters situations. We are able to assist Members by undertaking Bridge Team Management Audits to identify and address any deficiencies in bridge team procedures and performance.
As part of our commitment to ensuring the highest operational quality of ships entered in the Club our Loss Prevention Department arranges surveys on vessels as required. This may be part of pre-entry requirement agreed with the prospective Member, or as a result of a particular claim incident or in accordance the Club’s policy to undertake targeted survey of vessels over a certain age, type or engaged in particular trades. We use a network of experienced, approved surveyors who all work to a comprehensive survey programme devised by the Club and every effort is made to arrange surveys at times and places which do not interfere with the operation of the vessel.
Latest news
Loss Prevention 26 Mar, 2025The Dangers of Working at Height on Scaffolds
Scaffolds are versatile working platforms that play a crucial role in various shipboard operations, enabling crew members to perform critical maintenance operations in hard to access areas on board.
Marcus WinchesterLoss Prevention Officer -
Loss Prevention 26 Mar, 2025Collaboration with New Scientist: 1. Born to Move
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Emma MacCarthyLoss Prevention Officer