Ukraine Conflict
This page contains the latest news, resources and guidance on the conflict in Ukraine. Members are advised to check back regularly for updates.
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On 23 June 2023 the EU Council adopted the 11th package of economic sanctions against Russia to prevent their circumvention and further erode Russia’s revenues.

News 22 Jul, 2024Russian Sanctions - designation update
Further to our March 2024 news item, the UK authorities have since designated Russian insurance provider Ingosstrakh Insurance Company resultant from their “carrying on business in a sector of strategic significance to the Government of Russia
Tim DaviesHead of Claims (Eastern Team) -
Sanctions 27 Jul, 2023Ukraine Conflict - EU provides further guidance on 11th sanction package in updated FAQs.
Further to our Notice to Members on the EU’s 11th sanctions package the EU has since provided further guidance by way of updated FAQs.
Tim DaviesHead of Claims (Eastern Team) -
Notices to Members 03 Jul, 2023No.6 2023/24 - Sanctions - The European Union's 11th Sanctions Package
On 23 June 2023 the EU Council adopted the 11th package of economic sanctions against Russia to prevent their circumvention and further erode Russia’s revenues.
Tony PaulsonHead of Asia & Corporate Director
Repatriation of crew FAQ's
In view of the numerous requests from Members seeking advice on the repatriation of crewmembers arising from the crisis in Ukraine, we have devised the following FAQs to assist Members.
As the situation develops, we hope to provide further advice including any industry guidelines that are issued. Most of the questions involve repatriation, and changes or amendments to crew contracts. These are operational matters and we must stress that while we are providing advice to assist Members, they should obtain legal advice on the applicable law governing the crew contract and any Flag State or regulatory requirements.
Please also note that any questions relating to War Risks should be referred to your War Risk insurer for advice/guidance.
As repatriation to this alternative place is likely to be considered as a variation to the contract of employment, this should be recorded in an addendum to the contract of employment, to ensure that once repatriation to this alternative has been completed, the contract of employment is at an end and the Member’s contractual obligations cease [see FAQ 6].
Should Owners ask the crewmember to sign a waiver to confirm that Owners have discharged their contractual obligations?
As advised in FAQ 5. above, repatriation to an alternative place may constitute a variation of the contract of employment and it maybe the intention of both parties that the contract of employment terminates upon repatriation to the alternative place. At present there are no industry guidelines for such waivers, but should such guidelines be issued in the future we will advise Members. In the meantime, and in order to assist Members at the current time, the International Group of P&I Clubs have proposed the wording below which may be used either in circumstances where normal repatriation cannot take place or where a crewmember wishes to terminate their contract early due to the crisis. We highlight that this is not a formally adopted IG wording but rather a suggested draft to assist all Clubs’ Members at this difficult time.
However, we must stress that any waiver is likely to constitute a change to the crew contract and the legitimacy or enforceability of such a variation will depend on the law of the flag state and law applicable to the crew contract. In these circumstances we caution Members and recommend that they seek independent legal advice before proceeding with any addendum and/or waiver. It is also recommended they check the position with their war risk insurers.
Addendum to the contract of employment dated: XXXXX (hereinafter referred to as “SEA”).
This addendum is agreed between (name and rank of the seafarer), hereinafter referred to as “seafarer”, and (name of the employer which could be shipowner direct or its agents to be clarified appropriately as referred in original employment contract), hereinafter referred to as “employer”.
According to the terms of SEA, the seafarer’s term of employment on board (insert name of the vessel) completes on………. or is due to be completed on …….. (insert date of completion of contract together with usual +/- tolerance period). The agreed place of repatriation in SEA is …..(insert name of place of repatriation in SEA).
The seafarer wishes to terminate the SEA before the termination date and after due consideration of the present exceptional circumstances the employer agrees to this request. Repatriation to the original place of engagement is no longer practical or is unsafe. The alternative place of repatriation is now agreed to be……… (insert new location for repatriation).
The seafarer undertakes that s/he shall comply with all applicable laws including but not limited to any entry or visa requirements imposed on her/him at the alternative place of repatriation. In the event that repatriation to the alternative place becomes impractical or unsafe after the nomination by the seafarer but prior to commencement of the repatriation journey, the seafarer and the employer agree to consider alternative viable places of repatriation.
The seafarer and the employer agree that early repatriation to such agreed alternative place of repatriation shall be deemed as due performance of the employer’s obligation to repatriate the seafarer and the employer will be released from any and all further obligations towards the seafarer under the contract of employment including any obligations imposed under the applicable CBA and/or the Maritime Labour Convention and/or applicable laws other than those which have accrued to the date of repatriation and not yet been discharged.
For normal repatriation after the end of the contract you can amend above version as follows:-
Addendum to the contract of employment dated: XXXXX (hereinafter referred to as “SEA”).
This addendum is agreed between (name and rank of the seafarer), hereinafter referred to as “seafarer”, and (name of the employer which could be shipowner direct or its agents to be clarified appropriately as referred in original employment contract), hereinafter referred to as “employer”.
According to the terms of SEA, the seafarer’s term of employment on board (insert name of the vessel) completes on………. or is due to be completed on …….. (insert date of completion of contract together with usual +/- tolerance period). The agreed place of repatriation in SEA is …..(insert name of place of repatriation in SEA).
Due to the present exceptional circumstances repatriation to the original place of engagement is no longer practical or is unsafe. The alternative place of repatriation is now agreed to be……… (insert new location for repatriation).
The seafarer undertakes that s/he shall comply with all applicable laws including but not limited to any entry or visa requirements imposed on her/him at the alternative place of repatriation. In the event that repatriation to the alternative place becomes impractical or unsafe after the nomination by the seafarer but prior to commencement of the repatriation journey, the seafarer and the employer agree to consider alternative viable places of repatriation.
The seafarer and the employer agree that repatriation to such agreed alternative place of repatriation shall be deemed as due performance of the employer’s obligation to repatriate the seafarer and the employer will be released from any and all further obligations towards the seafarer under the contract of employment including any obligations imposed under the applicable CBA and/or the Maritime Labour Convention and/or applicable laws other than those which have accrued to the date of repatriation and not yet been discharged.
Other useful links
BIMCO - Ukraine Hub
The hub collates general guidance and resources in relation to shipping involving Russia/Ukraine interests.
View here