News 16 Sep, 2016

Social Networking - Twitter

The West of England now has an active Twitter account providing our Members and everyone connected with the Club another popular way to get updates about the Club together with other industry related developments.

Follow our @WestPandI Twitter account to get notifications about:

  • Notices
  • Loss Prevention material
  • News
  • Event information

as soon as they are released: to make this easier there is a ‘Follow us on Twitter’ icon at the foot of our website pages.

All of our new website items are tweeted so that followers are immediately alerted with a short summary and a direct link to the information on our website. Many people find it a convenient way to see new content - feel free to retweet and ‘like’ our posts so that they reach a wide audience including your colleagues and contacts.

For more information about how Twitter operates and how to use it click here Twitter.