Safe Navigation in Pilotage Waters - IMPA/MAIIF Safety Poster
The International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) and the Marine Accident Investigators International Forum (MAIIF) have published a new poster addressing Safe Navigation in Pilotage Waters.
The poster has been produced following the completion of various studies and investigations by MAIIF and surveys by IMPA. They examined the functions of the bridge team and operational practices while a vessel is under pilotage and identified a number of common shortcomings. The poster urges the bridge team to work together with the pilot to ensure a successful pilotage operation by sharing navigational information, respecting the functions of each other whilst working as a team, ensuring that all parties communicate effectively and remaining alert throughout the pilotage.
If Members would like hard copies of IMPA/MAIIF’s poster on safe navigation in pilotage waters, please contact the Loss Prevention department.