Condition surveys
Condition Survey Requirements
As part of the Club’s continued efforts to maintain and improve ships’ standards, condition surveys are required on vessels presented for entry which are 10 years of age or more. In some circumstances it may also be necessary to survey younger vessels. Further information regarding condition surveys can be found in Rule 20B.
Vessels already entered with the Club may be surveyed at any time, particularly in the event of claims caused by technical defects. A condition survey may also be triggered by a casualty, a port state control detention or a flag state intervention. Members are reminded that Rule 20B(4) requires them to report such events to the Club.
When a vessel is required to undergo a condition survey it shall be made available promptly at a time and place acceptable to the Managers. The Managers will appoint an independent surveyor to carry out the task based on their background, experience and ability.
The surveyor will conduct a comprehensive survey to ascertain the physical condition of the vessel and the effectiveness of the onboard management. If deficiencies are found, the surveyor will provide the Master and/or owners’ representative with a list of items in need of rectification. The surveyor will forward a copy of the list to the Club with his initial report, following which action may be taken by the Managers in accordance with Rule 20B(3). If repairs are necessary, the Managers may require a follow-up survey once they have been completed.
Guidance for Surveyors
Surveyors are instructed directly by the Managers and are sent an email confirming their appointment and detailing the survey requirements. The Club’s Instructions to Surveyors for Completing the Survey Form shall be read and followed.
The Club’s condition survey forms vary according to ship type and consist of parts A (Executive Summary), B (Survey Questionnaire All Ship Types) and C (Survey Questionnaire Specific Ship Types). Once the survey has been completed, the surveyor shall email Part A (Executive Summary) to the Club within 24 hours and forward the final report to the Club as soon as possible thereafter. The final report shall include parts A, B and C, the list of deficiencies, photographs and all other supporting documentation.
Instructions to Surveyors PDF (161.8 KB)
Condition surveys report forms
Tightness Test of Cargo Hatch Covers by Ultrasonic Equipment Excel (443.5 KB)
Gas Tanker Survey Report Word (1.1 MB)
Oil Chemical Tanker Survey Report Word (1.1 MB)
Passenger Ship Survey Report Word (1.1 MB)
Refrigerated Vessel Survey Report Word (1.1 MB)
Ro-Ro Cargo Passenger Vessel Survey Report Word (1.3 MB)
Tug Barge Offshore Vessel Survey Report Word (171 KB)
Fishing Vessel Survey Report – Small Vessels Word (745 KB)
Fishing Vessel Survey Report – Large Vessels Word (1007.5 KB)
The small fishing vessel form should be used for vessels under 24 metres in length and the large fishing vessel form applies to vessels of 24 metres in length and over.