

Our full library of Loss Prevention bulletins which look at a variety of safety issues and topics.


Accidents during Mooring Operations

Aluminium Phosphide Fumigation – Fires and Explosions

Ballasting while Loading or Discharging from Barges

Barytes - Danger of Liquefaction

Brazil - Sinter Feed from Ponta da Madeira

Bunker Disputes - The “Cappuccino Effect”

Bunker Quality Disputes Part 1: Practical and Technical Measures

Cardiovascular Disease

Cargo Damage due to Water Ingress from Ballast Tanks and Bilge Lines 

Cargo Hold Cleaning

Cargo Liquefaction Incident - Ball Clay from Malaysia

Cargo Liquefaction Incident - Fluorspar from Huangpu

Coal Cargoes – Know the Dangers

Crane Slewing Gear Maintenance and Rocking Tests 

Fixed CO2 Fire Fighting Systems

Fuel Oil Quick Closing Valves

Gangways and Accommodation Ladders

Heat Damage to Agricultural Products 


Inaccuracies in Draught Surveys 

Inadvertent Release of a Freefall Lifeboat 

Indonesian Crude Iron Ore

Interaction Damage to Vessels Moored Alongside

Loading of Coal that has Exhibited Signs of Self-Heating

Mental Health

Passage Planning in Confined Waters & Traffic Separation Schemes


The Dangers of Hydrogen Sulphide in Marine Bunkers

The Risk of Befriending Stowaways 

The Risk of Tugs Capsizing due to Girting

The Risk of Scalding and Serious Injury when Working on Steam Systems 

The use of ECDIS Alarms

The Use of Mobile Phones and Handheld Data Devices

Transfers By Personnel Basket