News 26 Feb, 2019

Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) Programme - New Measures

In order to strengthen the Club’s Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) Programme, two new measures have been put in place with effect from 20th February 2019:

  1. Holograms – All medical certificates for service at sea issued by the Club’s accredited clinics will have a numbered hologram affixed below the seafarer’s photograph on the certificate, in an effort to combat the issue of forged certificates, which have been encountered recently.
  2. Self-Declaration Forms - Previously the scheme utilised the clinics’ own self-declaration forms, to be completed by seafarers as part of the PEME process, which varied in content and depth of questioning. In order to better protect the position of the Club and the Members, a more robust uniform West of England Self-Declaration form has been generated, which will be completed by all seafarers subjected to a medical examination under the Club’s PEME programme at all of the Club’s accredited clinics.

Members requiring further  guidance are advised to contact the Loss Prevention department.