Piracy - Best Management Practices Version 5 and Global Counter Piracy Guidance Published
Although the piracy risk off Somalia has reduced from its peak of several years ago, the possibility of piracy, armed robbery and terrorist attack in this region and elsewhere are very much still evident. In light of new developments, the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea has been updated, with the participation of the International Group of P&I Clubs, and a new version (BMP5) has been published, replacing BMP4 which has been in use since 2011.
A new publication has also been produced, again with the involvement of the International Group of P&I Clubs; Global Counter Piracy Guidance for Companies, Masters and Seafarers. The guidance consists of:
- “General advice and recommendations that are common to mitigate against attack by pirates and armed robbers;
- Guidance on threat and risk assessment, planning and the implementation of self-protection measures; and
- Appendix A providing information on security threats and the fundamental requirements and recommendations to ensure that companies and ships can respond to those threats in a proportionate and dynamic way.
- Annexes providing information on regions where there is a risk of piracy and armed robbery and where prior planning and preparation before transiting the region is recommended.”
It is recommended that copies of both publications be placed onboard vessels, and the guidance therein as well as the latest security information for the area to be visited be carefully considered and best practices implemented so far as practicable, following a full risk assessment prior to arriving in the region.
Members requiring any further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.