News 31 Mar, 2022

New REACT! Loss Prevention Posters Published on Diabetes

Emma Forbes-Gearey
Emma Forbes-Gearey
Loss Prevention Officer

The Club has added two diabetes posters to the REACT! Series. The posters were created because of an increasing incidence of diabetes among personnel employed at sea. 

In addition, studies have shown that seafarers tend to be more susceptible to active and passive negative lifestyle choices, such as smoking, not engaging in other physical activity beyond work, having unhealthy diet habits, and not getting enough sleep. These factors all increase seafarers’ risk of developing diabetes.

The posters released address the following topics:

"Diabetes" – What is Diabetes? The signs and symptoms to look out for when someone is Hypoglycaemia or Hyperglycaemia.

"Diabetic Emergencies" – First steps to follow when someone is suffering from a diabetic emergency, then the preceding steps to follow when someone's blood sugar is lower or higher than normal.

Complimentary hard copies sets of the posters for the Members entered vessels may be obtained by contacting the Loss Prevention Department or downloading PDF files from the Club's resources page.