News 05 Mar, 2014

France - CO2 Emission Reporting Requirements

Members are advised of the recent introduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reporting requirements affecting all vessels carrying cargo, passengers or in ballast when proceeding to or from French ports.

The requirements became mandatory on 1 October 2013 and are detailed in Article L. 1431-3 of the French Transport Code. Carriers affected by the regulations must now inform their customers, either cargo interests or passengers, of the mass of CO2 emitted when their vessels call at French ports.

The mass of emitted CO2 is not limited to that produced by the vessel during its passage to and from a French port during the “operating phase”, but also includes the CO2 emitted “upstream” in the production of the fuel – ie during the extraction of the oil, its refining and its supply to the vessel.

The mass of emitted CO2 is calculated by multiplying the fuel consumed during the voyage with the relevant emission factors published by the French Authorities. The emission factors provide the quantity of CO2 produced in kilograms for both the “operating phase” and the “upstream phase” for each kilogram of fuel used (fuel oil, diesel, LNG and LPG). The total quantity is expressed as a mass in either grams (g), kilograms (kg) or tonnes (t) of CO2 corresponding to the actual service provided to cargo interests or passengers respectively.

In terms of goods, the provision of this information to cargo interests may be given either prior to or after the voyage depending on the agreement between the parties, but in any event must be provided within two months of the voyage being completed.

For passengers, the information must be provided prior to the ticket being purchased, or if no ticket is issued, no later than completion of the passenger’s voyage.

In both cases various methods may be used to provide emissions information including documents, email, text messages and even verbal advice depending on the nature of the trade and the arrangements in place between the carrier and customer.

Members with vessels proceeding to French ports are advised to study the comprehensive guidance published by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy in CO2 information for transport services – Application of Article L. 1431-3 of the French Transport Code – Methodological Guide. Chapter 4.4 provides information on the calculation of CO2 emissions for “Freight by sea” including emission factors. Reporting requirements are covered in Chapter 2.6 “How to issue this information”.

Members requiring further details should contact the Loss Prevention department.