Brazil - Itajaí Port Situation Following Heavy Rains
Club Correspondents Brazil P&I, Santos have issued a circular entitled “Itajaí – Port Situation After Weeks of Heavy Rains” advising of a number of problems in the Rio Itajaí-Acu port complex and the Itajaí-Acu river following weeks of heavy rain which have flooded approximately 40% of the city.
The heavy rains are causing the river to flow at speeds of up to 10 knots. Operations in the port have been suspended and vessels are either being diverted to other ports or are waiting outside.
At present, damage to infrastructure appears to be limited to subsidence at Berth 1 operated by APM Terminals. Since areas of the river valley have also been flooded it is possible that sediment may have been carried down river and deposited on the river bed, reducing the depth of water. The extent of the silting will be determined once the river has returned to normal.
Once the port of Itajaí has been reopened, masters are urged to contact the port authorities and/or their port agents for the latest information regarding water depths to ensure that they have adequate under keel clearance at all times.
Members requiring further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.