Argentina - Garbage Disposal Requirements
Translations: Chinese Vietnamese
Club correspondents, PandI Liquidadores, Buenos Aires, have advised of a recent development in Argentinean ports whereby vessels are being ordered to land garbage by the local authorities, at significant cost to the vessel.
Although the disposal ashore of garbage from vessels calling at Argentinean ports is not mandatory, two government authorities possess the power to order a vessel to land their garbage for disposal:
The National Health Authority (SENASA) is authorised to inspect vessels, and if deemed necessary, require the disposal of garbage ashore. Previously SENASA inspectors have ordered the landing of garbage when it has amounted to two to three cubic metres, although it is very much at the discretion of the inspector concerned. When an order to land garbage has been made, no account seems to be taken of the garbage storage facilities or the storage capacity available onboard.
The Prefecture Naval Argentina (PNA), (the Argentinean Coastguard) are authorised to enforce compliance with MARPOL Annex V (Garbage). In recent months cases have been reported whereby during the currency of Port State Control inspections, the PNA inspectors have observed garbage onboard and ordered that it be disposed of ashore. The volumes of garbage concerned have also been in the region of two to three cubic metres.
When garbage is landed in accordance with an order from either SENASA or the PNA, the associated costs for disposal are in the region of a minimum of USD 3,000 for up to three cubic metres of garbage, and a further USD 1,000 for the disposal of each additional cubic metre of garbage.
It should be noted that legislation has been enacted affecting ports in the province of Buenos Aires, including San Nicolas, Campana, Zarate, Ensenada and La Plate, requiring mandatory disposal of garbage ashore at the first port of call in the province, although this regulation is not yet being enforced due to local complaints. Garbage disposal will be required as part of the authorities plan for the “Tracing Management of Garbage coming from Vessels”, with fees levied to fund the development of technology to manage the plan. The National Technological University (UTN) has been tasked with developing the associated technology and intends to charge USD 5,445 to every vessel for garbage disposal services at ports within the province, and USD 1,452 even if there is no garbage to be discharged.
Members requiring further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.