Covid-19: Guidance on extending West's enhanced PEME Certificates
In order to ease the operational and logistical burdens faced by Shipowners and their crews following the Covid-19 outbreak, the Club is implementing a programme that will allow our enhanced Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) certificates to be extended for a six month period.
This extension is intended to lessen challenges regarding crew changes resulting from travel restrictions and lockdowns being implemented globally.
The Club’s certificate may be extended by the issuing clinic through telephone authority. The requirements for the extension are as follows:
2. Diseases that require monitoring, noted at the initial PEME, cannot be extended without the referral to the Club’s Medical Advisor (Marine Advisory Medical Service).
We appreciate the support that the Membership has given over many years to the Club’s voluntary enhanced PEME scheme and sincerely hope that the extension provision is of assistance.
COVID-19 Webpage
For further information on the COVID-19 Pandemic (including FAQ's), visit our dedicated webpage.
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