Low Sulphur Bunker Regulations Seminar

Rory Butler and Alessio Sbraga from HFW who was on the BIMCO drafting committee for BIMCO’s low sulphur charter party clauses addressed the issues arising out of compliance with the 2020 Sulphur Cap under existing charter parties, including methods of compliance, the transition from high sulphur to low sulphur fuel oil and the low sulphur carriage ban. This was the second of the series of bunker-related seminars that the Club’s London office has hosted recently.
We are grateful to HFW for coming to speak about this very topical subject and to members who attended the seminar, some travelling from outside the UK.
For members who were not able to attend the seminar and would like to know more about the subject, the presentation can be downloaded on this website.
Download the presentation here:
HFW's 2020 Sulphur Cap Presentation PDF (2.4 MB)