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Showing 971-980 of 1087 results

Alternative Vessels To Fulfil Carriage Requirements For Exporters

12 Aug, 2021
The container shipping markets and trades have recently seen an unprecedented demand for container vessels. However, due to the growing pressure on container slot availability with demand exceeding the...

Notice to Members No. 5 2009/2010

20 Jun, 2009

June 2009

Notice to Members No. 19 2016/2017

21 Nov, 2016
November 2016

Brazil - Immigration Fines - Further Update

13 Apr, 2011
Our news article of 25 January 2011 referred to the suspension of immigration fines in the case of seafarers who do not possess a seaman’s book issued by a country which has ratified ILO conventions No....

MARPOL – United States Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area

13 Dec, 2013
Members are reminded that in July 2011 the 62nd Session of the Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) adopted amendments to MARPOL Annex VI by Resolution MEPC. 202(62), establishing the United...

About us

10 May, 2019
Originally formed by the Holman shipowning family in the port of Topsham in the south west of England, the Club has served shipowners for 150 years and was one of the first to insure international tonnage....

No. 3 2020/2021: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - Enforcement of UN, U.S. and EU Sanctions

01 May, 2020
This Notice is an update on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) sanctions enforcement Notice to Members No.12 208/2019 published in January 2019. It has been updated following the recently...

No. 5 2020/2021 - Vessel monitoring and P&I insurance

18 May, 2020
In line with their legal and regulatory obligations, all Clubs in the International Group maintain sophisticated sanctions compliance programmes and procedures.

Notice to Members No. 9 2012/2013

15 Jun, 2012

June 2012