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Showing 871-880 of 1087 results

Nigeria - Increase in Stowaways from Lagos

13 Jun, 2013
Nigeria has always been a country where stowaways may be anticipated. However, in the past few months the Club has seen a rise in the number of cases involving stowaways found on board ships that have...

Iran sanctions - Wind-down period announced for recent measures

17 Jan, 2020
Further to our News Item of 13 January 2020, OFAC have now issued a FAQ related to the new sanctions against Iran which provides for a 90-day period – i.e. until 9 April 2020 - for parties to wind down...

Notice to Members No. 5 2005/2006

09 Jun, 2005
June 2005

Panama announces sanctions for deliberate AIS/LRIT deactivation

03 Jun, 2020
In likely response to the recent Global Maritime Advisory concerning steps to prevent breach of sanctions issued by the U.S. authorities (please see Notice to Members No.6 2020/2021 for details), Panama...

MARPOL Violations in the USA - Appeal Court Decision

10 Jul, 2008
MARPOL Violations in the USA – Appeal Court Decision Following a Texas court ruling in 2006 which held that the United States had no authority under the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS) to...

Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks – Further Ratifications

16 Jan, 2015
As Members will be aware from Notice to Members Nos. 14 and 19 2014/2015, the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks (“WRC”) enters into force on 14 April 2015.   Two more States have...

IMO - Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces aboard Ships

08 Mar, 2012
On 30 November 2011 the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted Resolution A. 1050(27) “Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces Aboard Ships”. The revised recommendations replace...

Notice to Members No. 1 2001/2002

22 Feb, 2001
February 2001