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Neptune - Bunker Info tab updates

28 Sep, 2023
The bunker quality info tab on Neptune has been updated.

Turkey - Environmental Pollution Fines: Updated for 2024

03 Jan, 2024
Pollution fines in Turkey continue to undergo regular annual updates, reinforcing the commitment to stringent environmental protection measures. As of the latest amendments effective from 1 January 2024,...

Neptune - Bunker Info tab updates

01 Jun, 2022
The latest set of bunker quality data has been uploaded to Neptune.

CIMAC Publication on Bunker Fuel Chemical Contamination

24 Nov, 2022
Marine bunker fuel quality is one of the aspects of global shipping that cannot be overemphasised. Bunkers of inferior quality can become not only a cause for additional working hours for engine room crews...

Neptune - Bunker Info tab updates

11 Oct, 2022
BIMCO-IBIA survey carried out in May 2022 suggests that an average bunker quality dispute costs US$ 54,000. Access to bunker quality statistics may help avoid such conflicts.

USA: California Air Resources Board 2014 Amendments to the Ocean Going Vessels Fuel Rule

25 Nov, 2013
Members are reminded that from 1 January 2014 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Ocean Going Vessels (OGV) Fuel Rule Phase II fuel requirements will enter in to force.   The maximum permitted sulphur...

China - Emission Control Areas - Shenzhen

02 Sep, 2016
Previously the Club has provided advice on the establishment of three Emission Control Areas in China. Although mandatory emission control requirements are due to enter into force at key ports within the...