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Showing 51-60 of 2526 results

Monkey’s Fists on Heaving Lines - Use of Inappropriate Weighting Material

09 Dec, 2022
In the past it was not uncommon for seafarers to weight monkey’s fists fitted to the end of heaving lines with pieces of scrap metal or sand, or to attach a heavy item such as a shackle, so that the...

Piracy on the Rise

28 May, 2020
Maritime piracy continues to be a major concern in many of the global shipping lanes, but this has now shifted to the Gulf of Guinea, South East Asia and most recently, the Gulf of Mexico.

MARPOL Annex 1 Amendments Entering into Force July 2024

18 Jun, 2024
West would like to remind Members of the new regulatory requirements coming into effect from the 1st of July 2024 regarding MARPOL Annex 1. It includes the addition of a new regulation to Chapter 9 of...

UAE – Pollution Fine for Soot Discharge from Ship’s Inert Gas Systems at the Port of Fujairah

20 Mar, 2023
Fujairah is a major port in the United Arab Emirates and subject to strict environmental regulations aimed at reducing the impact of shipping on the local environment.

New Loss Prevention Bulletin Published - Carriage of General/Break Bulk Cargo on Container Vessels

24 Jun, 2021
A new Loss Prevention Bulletin on Carriage of General/Break Bulk Cargo on Container Vessels has been published to highlight the areas that will need to be considered by Members that are planning to fix...

West P&I are delighted to continue supporting the Science Bursary with National Oceanography Centre

11 Apr, 2024
Initially launched in 2020, in collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), West are proud to be involved with the West P&I Science Bursary. This initiative continues to highlight their commitment...

Brazil - Loading and Carriage of Soya Beans

01 Apr, 2011
It has been reported that this year’s soya bean crop in some parts of Brazil has been adversely affected by heavy rains, increasing the moisture content and reducing the quality of the harvest. Soya beans...

New CINS/IG Guidelines for the Carriage of Charcoal and Carbon in Containers

19 Oct, 2017
New Guidelines for the Carriage of Charcoal and Carbon in Containers have been published jointly by CINS (the Cargo Incident Notification System) and the International Group of P&I Clubs. Charcoal / carbon...