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Showing 251-260 of 2526 results

IMO Guidelines AIS -2015 [PDF]

20 Dec, 2022

No.15 2021/2022 - Sanctions - Recent Deceptive Practices

02 Feb, 2022
Since 2010, considerable sanctions’ activity has been directed at shipping and its supporting industries reflecting the fact that 90% of world trade involves the carriage of goods by sea.

Cyber Security is like basic hygiene - Waypoints article

22 Apr, 2021
There are a few simple things that need to be done to prevent the majority of malware. We have to remember that the internet is a vast domain populated by a lot of people, and that like society as a whole,...

Increase in limits of liability under OPA 90

23 Feb, 2023
From 23 March 2023 the limits of liability applicable for ship-sourced oil spills in the United States OPA 90 will increase.

Ships Trading To The U.S: New Cyber Risk Management Guidelines

09 Nov, 2020
The US Coast Guard (USCG) have issued guidance to inspectors on how to enforce the IMO Cyber Risk Management Guidelines that come into force on 1st January 2021 for all ships trading to the United States.

Impact of the designation of COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co.

21 Nov, 2019
A number of Members have sought clarification from the Managers about the impact of the recent designation of COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co. ("COSCO Dalian").

New Claims video series launched together with Bills of Lading resource library

14 Oct, 2021
Our Claims team today launch their Introduction to Bills of Lading video, the first in a series of videos aimed at providing helpful guidance to Members on several key topics.

No.8 2024/25 - Electronic (Paperless) Trading - TradeGo PTE. LTD

08 Jul, 2024
Members are referred back to Notice No. 18 2022/2023 by which the International Group approved TradeGo User Agreement (2022.12.15) (‘the User Agreement’). The User Agreement remains approved for the purposes...

No. 18 2020/2021 - Class 1 Rule changes for 2021 and Adoptions of Amendments to the CGC

15 Jan, 2021
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Class 1 and Class 2 Members of the Association was held on Tuesday, 12 January 2021 via video conference and the following SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS were passed...