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Showing 1111-1120 of 2585 results

Notice to Members No. 3 2006/2007

21 May, 2006

May 2006

International Chamber of Shipping: Pilotage, Towage and Mooring Survey 2016

29 Sep, 2016
The International Chamber of Shipping is currently running a survey aimed at bridge teams addressing their experiences during pilotage, towage and mooring operations. The purpose of the survey is to determine...

No.3 2022/2023 - Paperless Trading Electronic Trading Systems Update to E-TITLE - cancellation of R3

01 Jun, 2022
Members are referred to Notice to Members No. 8 2021/2022 dated 24 September 2021. The Club had previously notified Members of the change in ownership of E-TITLE electronic trading system and its underlying...

Proposed changes to IMO requirements on safe mooring

21 Jul, 2020
The IMO has drafted new proposals for requirements pertaining to mooring safety. These will apply to selection, arrangement, inspection, maintenance and replacement of mooring equipment, including lines.

COVID-19: IMO Framework for Safe Crew Changes

22 May, 2020
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has drawn up a recommended framework of protocols for ensuring safe crew changes and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tim Davies

05 Jun, 2019
Tim Davies spent 6 years at sea as a deck officer serving on general cargo, container, tanker, bulk carrier and refrigerated vessels. He then studied law and economics at the University of Wales. After...

LNG - Floating Storage Regasification Units

17 Sep, 2020
This publication looks at the construction of an FSRU and therefore its operations and contractual arrangements as compared with traditional LNG tankers and how that affects P&I cover.

BIMCO issue updated sanctions clauses

30 Dec, 2019
BIMCO have published a new version of their “Sanctions Clause for Time Charter Parties” as well as helpfully adding a “Sanctions Clause for Voyage Charter Parties” and the Managers recommend their use.

Beirut explosion

07 Aug, 2020
As Members will be aware, a severe explosion occurred in the Port of Beirut on Tuesday 4 August, in a warehouse reportedly dedicated for IMGD cargoes and said to involve ammonium nitrate.