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China - Emission Control Areas – MSA Inspection Criteria

01 Aug, 2016
Further to the Club’s news article of 16 December 2015 and the update of 9 February 2016 concerning the introduction of emission control areas in China, the Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA)...

Bad Bunkers - Waypoints Issue 03 article

05 Oct, 2022
According to Steve Bee, Commercial & Business Development Director at fuel testing company VPS Group, HSFO fuels require a new state of vigilance from charterers and owners alike.

Cargo Hold Cleaning [PDF]

20 Apr, 2017

P&I Guidelines - English [PDF]

27 Apr, 2020

Bunkering Procedures [PDF]

20 Jul, 2010

Time Charters - potential disputes

11 Oct, 2019
Written by Nicola Cox, Head of Defence.

Annual Review 2020 [PDF]

18 Aug, 2020