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Showing 1-10 of 2526 results

Carriage of Iron Ore Fines from Goa and other west coast ports in India

17 Jul, 2024
The Club has been advised that iron ore exports are expected to restart from Goa and other west coast ports in India with first shipments expected in early October 2024 after the ending of the SW monsoon....

The Carriage of Rice [PDF]

20 Aug, 2015

The Carriage of Rice-Chinese [PDF]

01 Aug, 2015

The Carriage of Rice-Vietnamese [PDF]

01 Aug, 2015

The Risk of Befriending Stowaways

16 Nov, 2022
The problem of stowaways is an ever present one and in many ports it may be necessary for vessels to employ safeguards to prevent stowaways from boarding.

Carriage of Charcoal and Carbon in Containers

11 Jul, 2022
The Club has noted a number of recent container fire incidents related to containers which were declared as miscellaneous items but actually contained charcoal/carbon. This is a commodity liable to spontaneous...

No.9 2024/25 - West elevates focus on risk management with appointment of Chief Risk Officer

15 Jul, 2024
The Managers are pleased to announce that Katy Shearer has been promoted to Chief Risk Officer and appointed to the Board of Directors with effect from 1st July 2024.

New Loss Prevention Bulletin - The Carriage of Rice

04 Aug, 2015
The carriage of rice in bags and in bulk is an established trade. However, claims for damage and/or shortages frequently arise. The reasons why rice may deteriorate need to be understood so that, so far...

No.12 2022/2023 - updated EU FAQs - carriage of certain Russian cargoes inc. coal and fertilisers

02 Nov, 2022
On 19 September 2022, the EU amended its FAQS clarifying that the carriage of certain cargoes from Russia including coal and certain types of fertiliser (and related insurance) is not prohibited (under...

Sharing our safety tips on IMO Day of the Seafarer

25 Jun, 2024
25 June was the IMO Day of the Seafarer, when we can all celebrate the vital contribution made every day by the men and women who serve at sea. There is no shipping industry without our seafarers, and...