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News & Events (711)

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Canada - North Atlantic Right Whale - Gulf of St Lawrence (Update)

25 Sep, 2020
The North Atlantic right whale has become one of the most endangered species on the planet, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) census indicating that only 400 individuals remain....

Notice to Members No. 4 1999/2000

15 Jul, 1999
July 1999

Notice to Members No. 6 1999/2000

18 Jul, 1999
July 1999

Notice to Members No. 15 1999/2000

20 Dec, 1999
December 1999

Notice to Members No. 5 2004/2005

11 Jul, 2004
July 2004

Australia: Maritime Crew Visa

24 Apr, 2007
Members may recall that in June 2004 the Managers drew to their attention a new requirement of the Australian Government for foreign crewmembers of non-military vessels to obtain a Special Purpose Visa....

Brazil - Amazon and Pará Rivers Ballast Water Regulations

19 Oct, 2011
Since October 2005 it has been mandatory for all vessels planning to discharge ballast water in Brazilian ports and terminals to conduct a ballast water exchange whilst on passage. There is also an additional...

Senegal - Customs Fines in Dakar - Update

03 Apr, 2014
In April 2012 the Club advised Members of the possibility of customs fines being imposed in Dakar due to discrepancies between items listed in the customs declaration submitted by the Master, and the actual...

No. 12 2020/2021 - Nord Stream 2 & TurkStream - Update on new US Sanctions

21 Sep, 2020
Nord Stream is a system of offshore natural gas pipelines from Russia to Germany. It includes two lines running from Vyborg to Greifswald forming the original Nord Stream (NS1), and two lines running from...

Notice to Members No. 6 2002/2003

14 Nov, 2002
November 2002