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News & Events (711)

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Australia - Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Industry Passage Plan

26 Jul, 2011
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has published an Industry Passage Plan covering the mandatory coastal pilotage areas of the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait. The publication contains...

National Oceanography Centre - Waypoints Issue 03

26 Oct, 2022
The big science taking place every day on the vessels and facilities of the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) takes many forms, and investing for the future is key, writes Dr Eleanor Darlington.

Cyber Security: BIMCO Cyber Clause

16 Jun, 2020
In June 2019 BIMCO issued a Cyber Security Clause 2019 for incorporation in a wide range of maritime contracts.

Piracy - Ships Transiting the Indian Ocean

23 Apr, 2009
Members will be aware of the recommendation in “Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia” which states that: “Ships transiting South and East of the...

Cyber Security is like basic hygiene - Waypoints article

22 Apr, 2021
There are a few simple things that need to be done to prevent the majority of malware. We have to remember that the internet is a vast domain populated by a lot of people, and that like society as a whole,...

No. 16 2019/2020 - Electronic (Paperless) Trading - Approval of Global Share S.A. (CargoX)

18 Feb, 2020
This Notice informs Members of the approval by the International Group of P&I Clubs (the Group) of CargoX.

Notice to Members No. 7 1996/1997

16 Sep, 1996
September 1996

Notice to Members No. 5 2001/2002

14 Jun, 2001
June 2001

Notice to Members No. 11 2006/2007

13 Feb, 2007

Febraury 2007

Notice to Members No. 22 2012/2013

12 Dec, 2012

December 2012