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News & Events (86)

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Australia - Fuel Oil Sulphur Limit for Cruise Ships in Sydney

18 Sep, 2015
The Government of New South Wales (NSW) has recently passed the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Amendment (Cruise Ships) Regulation 2015 which requires the use of low sulphur fuel...

Canada: North American Emission Control Area – Sulphur in Fuel Content Verification Process

16 Sep, 2016
Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security Department has implemented a robust programme to ensure that vessels, operating within the waters of the North American Emission Control Area which fall under...

United Kingdom - Enforcement of EU Marine Fuel Sulphur Directive

06 May, 2010
Members will be aware that Article 4b of European Union (EU) Directive 2005/33/EC concerning the “Maximum sulphur content of marine fuels used by inland waterway vessels and ships at berth in Community...

Bunker Alert - High CCAI in Low Sulphur Fuels in San Francisco, USA

15 Apr, 2013
A new DNVPS Bunker Alert has just been published: High CCAI in Low Sulphur Fuels in San Francisco and its Surrounding Ports, USA

Global Sulphur Cap 2020: Fuel Management & Operational Issues

09 Oct, 2019
Written by Dmitry Kisil, Senior Loss Prevention Officer.

Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI regulations in the state of Israel

23 Jan, 2023
Ships calling Israeli ports to use fuel with maximum Sulphur content 0.10 % m/m.

Overview of ULSFO off-specs

08 May, 2024
In December 2022 the 79th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 79) adopted Resolution MEPC.361(79) establishing a Mediterranean Sea Emission Control Area for sulphur oxides...

Neptune - Bunker Info tab updates

19 Apr, 2023
VPS bunker quality data for Nov 2022 – Apr 2023 is available online via Neptune. Ultra-Low Sulphur Fuel Oil quality review.

International Standard for Marine Fuels (Class F) — Specifications of Marine Fuels ISO 8217. The 202

30 Apr, 2024
Marine bunker fuel consistently grabs the headlines in industry media, whether it is publications concerning quality such as the bunker fuel contamination crisis in Singapore in 2022 or regulatory changes...

Bunker Clauses & Seminar

13 Dec, 2018
Further to the Club’s News Item of 19 November 2018,  Members are advised that BIMCO has now published its low sulphur recommended charter party clauses and which can be found here: 2020 Fuel Transition...