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News & Events (1775)

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No.7 2023/24 - Electronic (Paperless) Trading - Change of name from essDOCS to ICE

21 Aug, 2023
Electronic (Paperless) Trading – Change of name from essDOCS Exchange Limited to ICE Digital Trade Management Limited: Update to DSUA Members are referred back to Notice to Members No.4 2021/2022 dated...

Cargo - Carriage of Bauxite that may Liquefy

23 Oct, 2015
In January 2015 the Club alerted Members to concerns involving the carriage of bauxite cargoes from Malaysia following the loss of a 10 year old bulk carrier, where it was suspected that the cargo was...

Carriage of Bauxite which may Liquefy

22 Sep, 2017
In January 2015 a handymax bulk carrier sank with significant loss of life after loading a cargo of 46, 000 tonnes of bauxite from the Malaysian port of Kuantan, where it was suspected that liquefaction...

West are proud to sponsor the Graig 100 cycle ride

17 Aug, 2022
West are proud to be the lead sponsor of the Graig 100, a challenging cycle ride in support of The Mission to Seafarers.

No.7 2021/2022 - Sierra Leone - Carriage of Iron Ore Fines Cargoes - Liquefaction Risk

14 Sep, 2021
Members are referred to previous circulars and the risks arising from the carriage of mineral ores from certain jurisdictions, including possible liquefaction of such cargoes and the lack of a regulatory...

Tunisia - Major Fire Incident at Port of Bizerte Renders Crucial Bridge Immovable

26 Jul, 2023
An unfortunate incident has taken place at the port of Bizerte, where the bridge spanning the Canal de Bizerte has caught fire in its engine compartment, rendering it immobile. The cause of the fire remains...

Paperless Trading - A Guide to Electronic Bills of Lading

01 Dec, 2023
Electronic bills of lading have been in existence for some time but their use has recently begun to increase significantly. In order to support Members in their use of such systems, the International...

No.2 2023/24 - Russian Oil Price Cap update - Reporting requirements and evasion alert

05 May, 2023
On 4 December 2022, the UK Government issued General Licence INT/2022/2469656 (“GL”) to implement the EU/G7 price cap in respect of Russian origin crude oil, which was amended on 3 February 2023 to implement...

New CINS/IG Guidelines for the Carriage of Seed Cake (including Seed Meal) in Containers Published

13 Apr, 2021
New Guidelines for the Carriage of Seed Cake (including Seed Meal) in Containers have been published jointly by CINS (the Cargo Incident Notification System) and the International Group of P&I Clubs.

Carriage of Containers on Dry Bulk Vessels - Things to consider

21 Oct, 2021
Further to Notice to Members No.6 2021/2022 the Club continues to receive queries about this trade and especially how it may be carried out safely. The aim of this article is to highlight the practical...