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News & Events (1745)

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A Culture of Compassion

06 Apr, 2022
West Member Wallenius Wilhelmsen has a strong reputation for supporting its crew members. Waypoints takes a closer look at the company’s crew welfare policies.

No.2 2024/25 - Electronic (Paperless) Trading - Enigio AB (trace:original™)

04 Apr, 2024
This Notice informs Members of the approval by the International Group of P&I Clubs (the Group) of the trace:original system, provided by Enigio.

ICS Publish Coronavirus Guidelines

05 Mar, 2020
In response to the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has produced a set of guidelines to help shipping companies comply with the advice previously issued...

Floating storage of oil cargoes

30 Apr, 2020
Due to a combination of circumstances there is now a worldwide shortage of storage space ashore for both unrefined and refined oil products of all types. As such there is a now growing demand for oil...

USA: Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (10+2 Rule)

04 Dec, 2008
  USA – Importer Security Filing and Additional Carrier Requirements (“10+2 Rule”) Members will be familiar with the “24 Hour Rule” which requires carriers to submit advance cargo information to the US...

No. 15 2020/2021 - Amendment of the Constitution

27 Nov, 2020
NOTICE is hereby given that a General Meeting of the Members of the Association will be held on 18 December 2020 at 9AM (CET) by Video Conference for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing...

EU adopts 10th package of sanctions against Russia

02 Mar, 2023
On 25 February 2023 the EU adopted its 10th package of sanctions against Russia. The relevant EU Regulations and Council Decisions can be found here but of particular significance for members is Council...

No.17 2023/24 - Sanctions - Quint-Seal Compliance Note: Know Your Cargo

19 Jan, 2024
On December 11, 2023, five US agencies (the Department of Justice, Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations, State Department’s...

Launch Of New WOE Member Portal

15 Oct, 2020
Neptune, a comprehensive global information portal for Members, brokers and Club correspondents. Providing security, operational and bunker information at ports globally, the portal will deliver comprehensive...

The Visual Data Revolution - Waypoints Issue 03 article

28 Sep, 2022
Waves Group’s Mark Lawrence and Rob Williams report on how the latest techniques for visual data acquisition are transforming the ways P&I clubs manage claims for greater certainty.