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Mercuria Energy Trading PTE V Raphael Cotoner Investments LTD (The "Afra Oak”) 2023

01 Dec, 2023
The “error in navigation” defence in Article 4 Rule 2 (a) of the Hague / Hague Visby Rules has recently been applied by the English Commercial Court, exonerating owners from liability in a charterparty...

New Loss Prevention Bulletin - The Carriage of Soya Beans in Bulk

02 Sep, 2015
Claims for damage to cargoes of soya beans in bulk are often encountered by the Club, as well as occasional claims for shortage.  The nature of the product, as well as the reasons why soya beans may deteriorate...

Media Statement: West’s premium exceeds US$300m for the first time after successful renewal

23 Feb, 2023
London, UK, 23 February 2023 – A disciplined renewal has seen a premium increase of 9% on renewing mutual business, whilst the Club’s selective approach to growth throughout the year and at the renewal...

Navigating the Foggy Future: Adapting Trans-Arctic Shipping Routes to Overcome Sea Fog Challenges

07 Jun, 2023
The swift retreat of Arctic Sea ice has revealed new opportunities for trans-Arctic shipping routes. However, these projected routes may be too optimistic, as they fail to consider the increased frequency...

MARPOL - New Guidelines for the Carriage of Bulk Blends of Petroleum Oil and Bio-Fuels

24 Aug, 2011
The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee has recently approved the “2011 Guidelines for the Carriage of Blends of Petroleum Oil and Bio-Fuels”. The new guidelines, contained in the Annex to MEPC....

The Rise Of Chemical & Oil Tanker Explosions

06 May, 2021
Oil/chemical tanker blasts are still happening despite the implementation of updated requirements for inert gas systems.

Biosecurity - Insect Infestation on Ships

14 Apr, 2023
The risk of introducing harmful pests and diseases is an inherent hazard in the global movement of goods. Insects are one of the major concerns for ships as they can cause significant damage to the cargo...

Harmonized System Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods (HS Codes)

25 Aug, 2022
The Club has received queries about the inclusion of Harmonized System Nomenclature for the classification of goods on the Bill of Lading and other shipping documentation presented by the Shipper.

Fines for improper use of onboard Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS)

29 Feb, 2024
The Club has been made aware of cases where vessels were fined by local authorities for improper use of onboard Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS).

Venezuela - potential re-imposition of U.S. sanctions

05 Feb, 2024
Members will recall from our News Item of 20 October 2023 that in anticipation of certain events related to Venezuela’s democratic process, the United States issued a number of General Licenses and General...