A comprehensive primary war risks insurance. It offers first-class cover for physical loss and/or damage together with P&I on a primary basis caused by war or war like conditions and is backed by A rated reinsurers.
Most standard hull and machinery and P&I insurance policies exclude loss and liabilities caused by war or terrorism, meaning shipowners and operators need to buy specialist war risks cover separately. West now provides such cover as part of its drive to give Members, non-members and brokers a wider market choice.
Key features
- Provides cover against damage, loss and liabilities from primary war risks normally excluded from standard H&M and P&I policies.
- Covers damage caused by mines, torpedoes, bombs, weapons, terrorists and malicious persons.
- Insures against losses and liabilities resulting from capture, seizure, arrest, restraint, detention or strikes in a conflict zone.
- All internationally recognised war conditions accepted, including Nordic Marine Insurance Plan and Institute War and Strikes Clauses.
- Backed by A-rated war risk reinsurers.
From January 2025, we are pleased to announce a key change to the West War facility. With immediate effect, we are now able to offer coverage for single ‘breach’ voyages. This is intended for ships transiting high risk areas such as the Gulf of Aden. This particular enhancement will be available exclusively to Members (including customers who are not Members, but who are buying other products from West of England).

How it works
West War is provided directly by the Club’s underwriting team and is fully supported by established A-rated war risks reinsurers, ensuring flexibility on rating. West War claims will be handled or supported by West’s highly experienced claims team, depending on whether the Club has a leading or following line.
West will write leading or following lines on brokers’ slips, with predetermined breach additional premiums for entering higher-risk areas.
Who can be insured
West War is for all West’s existing P&I Members as well as other high-quality owners and operators of blue water tonnage.

Why West of England?
Our strengths
- An international Club with a global membership
- A worldwide office network providing dedicated underwriting, claims and loss prevention service to our Members
- A Member of the International Group of P&I Clubs