Notices to Members

No.20 2024/25 - General Meeting of the Members - updated date

Olivier Le Bescond
Olivier Le Bescond
General Manager

23 January 2025

Further to the Notice to Members No.19 2024/25 notifying that a General Meeting of the Members of the Association would be held on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 at 15.50 hours, notice is hereby given that, due to organisational matters, the General Meeting will finally take place on Friday, 14 February 2025, at 10.00 hours CET, at the office of Maître Joelle Baden, 17 Rue des Bains, L-1212 Luxembourg, for the purpose:

1. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the following SPECIAL Resolution THAT article 17.13 of the Constitution of the Association be amended to read as follows:

On a poll, no Member may exercise votes, either their own or as a proxy for another Member, representing more than 9.99% one tenth of the total number of votes represented.”

A proposed deletion is identified by striking through the text to be deleted. Proposed additions are underlined.

2. To transact any other ordinary business of the Association.

Members entitled to attend and vote may address a proxy appointment form (in attachment), nominating the Chairman or another person. Members may as well vote using a voting form (in attachment). Proxy appointment forms and voting forms need be sent to the General Manager (Olivier.lebescond@westpandi.com) not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting.

Yours faithfully,
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

Olivier Le Bescond
General Manager