Sanctions 24 Jun, 2013

Iran Sanctions – Implementation of NDAA 2013

As Members will be aware from recent Notices to Members, the US sanctions programme against Iran will be further strengthened by the implementation on 1st July 2013 of the National Dense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (NDAA 2013).

The Club’s US advisors Freehill Hogan & Mahar have produced a useful client alert on the potential implications for ship owners and marine insurers of the Act. A copy can be found by clicking here Potential Expansion of U.S Sanctions Against Iran.

Members wishing to obtain further information about NDAA 2013 or any other questions in relation to sanctions in any country are advised to contact the Managers in London as follows:

Tony Paulson

+44 (0) 20 7716 6045
