New Loss Prevention Bulletin Published on Mental Health
Mental Health Awareness Week is happening from May 15th to 21st in the United Kingdom, and this year's theme is 'Anxiety'. Anxiety is a common feeling of unease, ranging from mild to severe, which includes fear and worry. Although it's normal to feel anxious at times, some people may find it challenging to manage their worries, which can impact their daily lives.
In February 2022, a BMC Public Health study was conducted on seafarers' mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research found that 12.4% of seafarers displayed symptoms of anxiety, while 14.1% showed signs of depression. Interestingly, these rates were lower than those of frontline healthcare workers, where 29% exhibited anxiety symptoms, 26.3% showed depressive symptoms, and 20.7% had PTSD.
A new Loss Prevention Bulletin on Mental Health has been published to mark this event and raise awareness and promote understanding of mental health issues in the maritime community. It highlights various conditions, including anxiety, and provides information on the signs and symptoms.
Additionally, it discusses the support companies and fellow crew members can offer to encourage them to talk openly about mental health, reduce stigma and discrimination, and provide information and resources to support those struggling with mental health problems.
The new bulletin complements our REACT! Posters on Mental Health, which cover what mental health is, mindfulness techniques, and an action plan for individuals experiencing a mental breakdown.
Members requiring further guidance or assistance should contact the Loss Prevention department