News 26 Sep, 2011

Brazil - Withdrawal of the Restriction on the Transit of Filipino Seafarers through Brazilian Ports

Further to previous news articles regarding restrictions in Brazil on the movement of seafarers that do not possess a Seaman’s Book issued by a country that has ratified either ILO Convention No.108 or 185, the requirements have now been partly relaxed.

Santos correspondents Brazil P&I have advised that, according to reports, the General Co-ordination of the Immigration Affairs in Brasilia has revoked all restrictions on the movement of Filipino seafarers through Brazilian ports, even though the Philippines has ratified neither of the ILO Conventions.

The result of this change is that Filipino seafarers may now join and sign off vessels, or proceed ashore using their Seaman’s Book rather than a passport containing a Brazilian Visa. Although the concession is confined to Santos at the present time, other Brazilian ports are expected to follow in due course.

It is important to note only Filipino seafarers benefit from this change. The restrictions on the movement of seafarers who possess Seaman’s Books issued by countries that have not ratified the Conventions, and who do not possess a valid Brazilian Visa in their passport, remain in place for all other nationalities.

The countries that have ratified ILO Conventions 108 and 185 are, at the date of publication, as follows: 

ILO Convention No. 108 ILO Convention No. 185
Algeria Guinea-Bissau Portugal Albania
Angola Guyana Romania Azerbaijan
Antigua and Barbuda Honduras Saint Lucia Bahamas
Barbados Iceland Saint Vincent & Grenadines Bosnia and Herzegovina
Belarus India Seychelles Brazil
Belize Iran Slovenia Croatia
Bulgaria Iraq Solomon Islands France
Cameroon Ireland Spain (Not yet denounced) Hungary
Canada Italy Sri Lanka Indonesia
Cuba Kyrgyzstan Sweden Jordan
Czech Republic Latvia Tajikistan Kazakhstan
Denmark Liberia Tanzania Republic of Korea
Djibouti Lithuania Tunisia Madagascar
Dominica Luxembourg Turkey Marshall Islands
Estonia Malta Ukraine Moldova
Fiji Mauritius United Kingdom Nigeria
Finland Mexico Uruguay Pakistan
Ghana Morocco   Russian Federation
Greece Norway   Spain
Grenada Panama   Vanuatu
Guatemala Poland   Yemen

Members requiring further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.