
Brazil - Sinter Feed from Ponta da Madeira

Loss Prevention Bulletin

The Club has recently become aware of difficulties encountered by vessels that have loaded “Sinter Feed” at Ponta da Madeira, Brazil.

The accompanying cargo declaration may state that the product is a Group C cargo which, according to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, applies to “cargoes which are neither liable to liquefy nor to posses chemical hazards”. However, the IMSBC Code lists “Sinter Feed” as an “Iron Concentrate”, classifying it as Group A which applies to “cargoes which may liquefy if shipped at a moisture content in excess of their transportable moisture limit”.

After loading “Sinter Feed” at Ponta da Madeira, at least two ships have experienced cargo liquefaction problems on passage. Although both vessels managed to reach port without the situation becoming critical, significant amounts of free water were found to have accumulated in the corners of each hold, and in certain holds the cargo was completely submerged.

Vessels due to load “Sinter Feed” at Ponta da Madeira are advised to treat the product as being a Group A cargo, irrespective of what may be stated on the cargo declaration. All IMSBC Code requirements regarding cargoes which may liquefy should be observed, and loading should not commence until the shipper has provided the vessel with a Certificate of Test showing the moisture content of the cargo to be less than its Transportable Moisture Limit (TML), and verifying that the moisture content was determined not more than seven days prior to loading. Vessels should also monitor the condition of the cargo by carrying out regular “can” tests throughout loading in accordance with Section 8.4 of the IMSBC Code.

If the shipper fails to provide a Certificate of Test or in the event of any other concerns, loading should be halted and the Club should be contacted immediately as expert advice may be required.


Sinter feed loaded at Ponta da Madeira after liquefaction onboard


Sinter feed covered by free water which developed on passage